Last Modified: 2/21/98 ( 640x480 256 Color )
Will the backups be incremental or full backups ?
When will the backups take place ?
How much time will the backup require ?
If the backup fails due to hardware, how long can you expect to be without a tape drive
which to do a restoration if a file is needed ?
If the tape drive is an internal drive, how reliable is the computer it is mounted in ?
If the backups are done to a remote site, do they have everything documented in regards to
what, where and when as well as how and when they may restore files from that remote site
Where and how are the backup tapes stored ?
Is it fireproof, waterproof, tamper proof and safe from other natural disaster ?
Are there copies and where are they stored ?
Can all responsible parties gain access to the tapes for restoration in case the lead
operator is not
present ?
What is the backup scheme ?
Which files and directories are to be backed up ?
What role do the individual computer users play in making certain that their files are
backed up ?
Will the individual user be required to backup their own workstations ?
How is the backup certified that it is complete and of value ?
What is the process used to test the tapes and files to be certain that they can be
restored ?
How often is this tape testing performed ?
What is the tape rotation scheme that is to be used ?