Problem Tracking Sheet: Networking
Service Request tracking number:
Support engineer working with you
Has the issue been resolved? YES / NO
If yes, brief description of resolution:
Operating System: __Windows NT __Windows® __OS/2® __MS-DOS®
Version: ______
Network product: __LAN Manager __Windows 95__Windows NT __Windows for Workgroups
Version: Server:_______ Clients:_______
Patches or hotfixes applied:
Security: USER / SHARE
Network protocols in use: __NetBEUI __TCP/IP __MS® DLC (Data Link Control)
__Remoteboot (COMTOKR) __AppleTalk __Others:
Hardware (machines, network cards, hard drive controllers, and drives):
Brief description of problem:
Error messages in error log (include numbers):
Problem Tracking Sheet: Networking (continued)
Service Request tracking number:
Audit log information (if related):
Do you have a network analyzer available? YES / NO
If so, do you have a trace of the problem? YES / NO
Type of network analyzer:________________________
If OS/2 related:
HPFS cache setting (CONFIG.SYS):_________ SWAPPER.DAT file size: _________
If server trap related:
1) What kind of trap?______
2) Occurring in what file (if listed):_____________________, at what address: _____:_____
3) Get Register contents:______________________________________________________
If printing related:
1) What print driver is in use on the server? __MSNULL __Others
2) What kind of printer are you printing to?
3) What is chartime set to in LANMAN.INI?
General Questions:
What are the symptoms of the problem?
What specifically is being done when the problem occurs?
Is the problem consistently reproducible? YES / NO
What is the scope of the problem? (Circle one)
Problem Tracking Sheet: Networking (continued)
Service Request tracking number:
What changes have been made recently to the system(s) involved?
What steps have you taken in testing this problem? (What factors do you believe have been eliminated as unrelated to the problem?)
Additional Details: