Problem Tracking Sheet: SQL
Service Request tracking number:
Support engineer working with you:
Has the issue been resolved? YES / NO
If yes, brief description of resolution:
Information About the Server:
Operating System: __Windows NT™ __Microsoft® OS/2® __IBM® OS/2
Network: __Windows NT __MS® LAN Manager Version:_____
Other network: __Novell® __LAN Server __Banyan® VINES®
__Other:____________________________ Version:______
Server hardware type (machine, network cards, hard drive controllers, RAM, and drives):
Brief description of problem:
What front-ends are in use?
Error messages in error log (include numbers):
Problem Tracking Sheet: SQL (continued)
Service Request tracking number:
General Questions:
What are the symptoms of the problem?
What specifically is being done when the problem occurs?
Is the problem consistently reproducible?
What changes have been made recently to the system(s) involved?
What steps have you taken in testing this problem? (What factors do you believe have been eliminated as unrelated to the problem?)
When was the most recent backup (dump) performed?
Problem Tracking Sheet: SQL (continued)
Service Request tracking number:
Additional Details: